ERP is Enterprises Resource Planning, ERP Companies in India contributes to business success and used by all the following departments:
- Accounting
- Sales
- Purchasing
- Manufacturing
- Warehousing
Have you ever asked yourself before using any ERP software?
- Is there a way to improve our inefficient process?
- Can we grow without growing pains?
- Will the business remain viable or successful in the long term?
1. Is there a way to improve our inefficient process?
- Tedious manual processes
- Duplication of efforts
- Multiple system
- Can we grow without growing pains?
- Regulatory compliance
- Over work
- No time
- Will the business remain viable or successful in the long term?
- Attract new/bigger customers
- What happens if your key resource leave?
- Access to more money
- Attract investors/ exist strategy
How can ERP help with growth
- Compliance
- Single source of truth
- Satisfied customers
How can ERP help with long term viability?
- Agility and adoptability to changing markets.
- Systems can scale more easily than people.
- More knowledge from people memories into systems.
- Easier access to money.
So why not ERP?
Still not convinced?
ERP Companies in India
- Can save time & increase efficiencies
- Different financing options
- Leasing
- Clouds offering
What to do next?

Enterprises Resource Planning
- Think about your current processes – list them out on paper
- List all of the systems you currently use
- Outline where you want your business to be in the future
- Identify gaps between where you are and where you want to be.